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Call for Papers: Respiratory Therapy offers advertisers editorial coverage in every issue. Companies providing products and services are invited to send papers for possible publication in the journal.

Companies may send any of the following for publication:

  • Clinical papers about relevant therapies written by recognized medical caregivers
  • Studies commissioned by companies
  • Papers published in support of products and therapies
  • Research studies and reports prepared by in-house personnel
  • Relevant research used by companies in promoting products and technologies
  • Works in progress in any of the above categories
  • Product reviews and product case studies

Submissions are welcomed from any company involved with providing respiratory therapy and pulmonology products, techniques or relevant services in the following categories: pulse oximetry, ventilators, nebulizers, oxygen delivery and therapy, aerosol delivery, secretion clearance, spirometry, blood gas, capnography, pharmaceuticals, surfactants, diagnostics, intubation, resuscitation, pulmonary function testing, and educational products and resources. Other relevant respiratory therapy modalities and applications will also be considered.

How To Submit Editorial/Advertorial
Editorial material must be submitted as manuscripts ONLY, no e-mail or disk. Figures may be submitted on disk or cd, but a hardcopy should accompany the article. One copy of the article will suffice, double-spaced. Figures and tables should be clearly marked. Any style may be used, also for references, as long as it is consistent. We do not use ® or ™ marks in the journal. Plewase be sure the submission does not read like an advertisement for your product, or it will be rejected. We do not send out proofs prior to publication. Our address for all editorial material is:

Respiratory Therapy
10940 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 600
Los Angeles, CA 90024 USA
Phone: 310-443-4109
Fax: 310-443-4110
Attn: Les Plesko

Important Note
While we will consider all submissions for publication, we prefer clinically-oriented pieces. Respiratory Therapy retains the right to edit and/or reject all submitted material. All papers should include an author byline. In all cases and without exception, Respiratory Therapy will clearly identify the source of the article and the affiliation of the author. All material submitted is published at the sole discretion of the publisher and editors.



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